
:: exploring compressed sensing fMRI time series

4 minute read Published:

we are once again solving systems of equations
An exploration of compressed sensing fMRI time series with 3 different algorithms. Typically, compressed sensing reconstructs a single volume of MRI but fMRI are composed of many volumes; sensing along the time domain could reduce the number of volumes required. Of the 3 algorithms, BSBL-BO performed the best with the error curve elbowing around 30% subsampling.

:: on fiber tracking

5 minute read Published:

Take a little swim through your brain canals!
After brief description of diffusion tensor images and what information they provide, I discuss an intuitive seed-based line propagation algorithm for computing a tractography map of a neuroimage. The open-source softwares required are 3D Slicer, ITK for C++, and ITK-SNAP.

:: segmentation of kidney stones in endoscopic video feeds

8 minute read Published:

Really good fast way to color inside the lines of a kidney stone.
StoneAnno is my first published first-authorship paper, presenting at SPIE 2022. With the long-term goal of fully-automated robotic endoscopic surgery, we built a dataset of endoscopic kidney stone removal videos and investigated U-Net, U-Net++, and DenseNet for the segmentation task. We found a U-Net++ model that consistently achieves >0.9 Dice score, with low loss, and produces realistic, convincing segmentations. Moving forward, I am implementing our model on hardware for deployment in ORs, as a part of my master’s thesis, and I helped Dr. Kavoussi submit an R21 grant in October 2021.

:: face following and vSLAM for a Tello quadcopter

7 minute read Published:

Tello can do hard things.
Implementation of face detection / following and vSLAM on a Ryze Tello using its MATLAB toolkit.

:: dimensionality reduction on neural data

5 minute read Published:

PCA vs. autoencoder: the ultimate dimensionality reduction showdown
I fell in love with dimensionality reduction when I was learning statistical ML. Since I also study neuroscience, I wanted to practice the art at the intersection of my interests. I compared the 3D projections of a 53-dimensional neurophysiology dataset produced by PCA and a shallow autoencoder.