
:: autonomous motion planning for an NVIDIA JetBot

6 minute read Published:

zoom zoom
Built a JetBot + an exploration and novice implementation of motion planning on said JetBot. This computational game theory project marked my first foray into optimization and a glimpse of its power muahahaha. It ain’t exquisite but it was heading in the right direction.

:: on linear complementarity problems

6 minute read Published:

Solving systems of equations is the most important.
This Fall 2021, I am taking a course on computational game theory, which insofar is the formulation of various games (e.g. bimatrix, Stackelberg) as mathematical programs and the algorithms that solve them, or approximate solutions. Linear complementarity problems are foundational for computing Nash equilibria of simple games.

:: verification of a VAE & SegNet using NNV

6 minute read Published:

''Many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine light on them.'' -- Uncle Iroh
Neural network automated verification of a VAE and SegNet using NNV. Although neural networks are promising, they are easily confused, particularly if the input domain is perturbed. In this project, I demonstrate the robustness of MNIST-trained VAE and SegNet against varying brightness attacks.

:: face following and vSLAM for a Tello quadcopter

7 minute read Published:

Tello can do hard things.
Implementation of face detection / following and vSLAM on a Ryze Tello using its MATLAB toolkit.

:: learning about quadcopters by building one

3 minute read Published:

I used a soldering iron and a raspberry pi during lockdown to stay sane.
My introduction to quadcopters and robotics in which I learned a lot about the quad ecosystem and their constitution. However, I suggest following a smaller, cheaper, and more recent build guide. Although my naivete showed through here, my fascination with quads has not soured; check out my Tello face following and vSLAM project!