about me

Hi, I’m Zach.

I’m an Electrical & Computer Engineering PhD student at UT Austin working with Prof. Jon Tamir in the Computational Sensing & Imaging Lab.

I am working on provable learning methods for solving inverse problems in computational imaging. Generally, I’m curious about AI/ML, signal processing, optimization, control, intelligent systems, and robotics.

Check out my notes to see what I’m thinking about and to see what I’m seeing!

I’m always open to new opportunities and collaborations within my interests. You can contact me at zstoebner@austin.utexas.edu.

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I graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2021 with a B.S. in computer science and neuroscience, minoring in applied math, and then again in 2022 with my M.S. in computer science. I was a student researcher in VISE MedICL advised by Prof. Ipek Oguz where I worked on computational neuroscience and deep learning methods for image processing. My awesome collaborators were Dr. Nick Kavoussi at VUMC and David Lu.

I enjoy tennis, heavy weights, trail running, climbing, backpacking in the mountains, kū & tanka poetry and photography, and hendiadys.

I am an Anglophone > Lusophone > Hispanophone > Francophone.

My hometown is Austin, TX. I was born in Abilene, TX.