
in progress

“Generalized, interpretable system identification for joint parameter estimation and signal recovery”, Zachary A. Stoebner, Jonathan I. Tamir.

“Preconditioning for monotone operator learning”, Zachary A. Stoebner, Jonathan I. Tamir.


“INFusion: Diffusion Regularized Implicit Neural Representations for 2D and 3D accelerated MRI reconstruction”, Yamin Arefeen, Brett Levac, Zach Stoebner, Jonathan I Tamir. Asilomar . (2024, accepted) arXiv

“Segmentation of kidney stones in endoscopic video feeds”, Zachary A. Stoebner, Daiwei Lu, Seok Hee Hong, Nicholas L. Kavoussi, and Ipek Oguz, Proc. SPIE 12032, Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing (2022). DOI arXiv note


“Reducing malware analysis overhead with coverings”, Michael Sandborn, Zach Stoebner, Westley Weimer, Stephanie Forrest, Ryan Dougherty, Jules White, Kevin Leach. IEEE‑TDSC (2023). DOI repo

“Comprehensive shape analysis of the cortex in Huntington’s disease”, Zachary A. Stoebner, Kilian Hett, Ilwoo Lyu, Hans Johnson, Jane S. Paulsen, Jeffrey Long, Ipek Oguz, Human Brain Mapping (2023). DOI repo note